NECAA百家论坛之二十二|陈力超博士:睡眠与健康漫谈 (7月18日)


陈力超博士曾在哈佛大学医学院睡眠部工作10余年,从事过慢性睡眠剥夺、发作性睡病、流感病毒影响睡眠机制等研究 。在专业之外,他翻译了卡耐基梅隆大学教授Randy Pausch的《最后的讲演》及其博客,并提出了跨文化的iABC教育理念。
请点击 报名链接 注册讲座、查看详情

CAAL Community Service and PVSA (Presidential Volunteer Service Award) Information Seminar was held on July 11, 2021

For 38 years, CAAL has been supporting and encouraging younger generations to give back to the community, especially with the establishment of the Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) six years ago . Students and parents learned about a whole range of opportunities to participate in community service that are organized, supported/sponsored or recognized by CAAL in collaboration with the town and community organizations.  

2021 CALL PVSA Seminar Slides and PVSA application forms:   

CAAL PVSA-Form A 2021


CAAL PVSA 2020-2021 Guideline

Here is the link of the video and ppt presentation of the webinar.




Invite you join the 2021 Boston Asian International Music Festival

Warm summer nights, cool live music – Calling for Musicians!
The 2021 Boston Asian International Music Festival is a production of New Moon International. This year’s inaugural festival is currently sponsored by Chinese American Association of Lexington – CAAL, Belmont Chinese American Association and Weston Westar, with the assistance of the Chinese American Association of Newton (CAAN) and the Boston International Media. We hope more Cultural organizations can join us by submitting music program and become sponsors.Three performances on three consecutive nights will be held between 6 pm and 8 pm in towns as follows:Friday, July 30th – LexingtonSaturday, July 31st – NewtonSunday, August 1st – Belmont
Musical artists of all styles, genres, and ages are cordially invited to participate. Please follow the link below to register. The registration deadline is 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟓𝐭𝐡.

Here is the registration link

We look forward to bringing live music back to the community, and we look forward to seeing you at the festival!

Here is the Chinese version of the event announcement.

July Issue of Lexington Happenings

Here is the July issue of Lexington Happenings on CAAL’s blog. Thank you to all who submitted events to us in a timely manner. Please click the link and scroll down to read in English.

If you would like to have your events to be included on the August issue, kindly please fill out the form below. Please submit by the 25th of each month for next month’s events to be published on our blog.…/1FAIpQLSfrVfgIY0a06P…/viewform

莱镇人文第十期:Frank Gens Technology Futurist & Marathoner

Here is the latest issue of Discover Lexington featuring Frank Gens, a chief technology forecaster and futurist for IDC, a world’s premier technology forecasting company, and  a dedicated marathoner with 22 marathons on his belt. The year will be Franks’ 9th run in the prestigious Boston Marathon. Please scroll down to read the English version.

Please click on the link to read the original article. Scroll all the way to the bottom to read the English version.