
一场完全由一群莱镇高中与周边高中学生主导完成的“亚裔历史走进课堂“公益捐款音乐会在11月11日老兵节晚上圆满落下帷幕!十一年级学生Phoebe Tian任总策划总导演,整场演出展示了各族裔学生的音乐才华,吸引了大批社会名流以及家长到场的大力支持。


Here is the report by Lexington Minuteman




[Lexington Observer] “每个人都做点什么” – 莱克星敦在整个COVID-19大流行期间是如何走到一起的

苏菲·卡尔佩珀 Sophie Culpepper),莱克星敦观察家记者

  • 莱克星敦Interfaith公益食品分发站每周比COVID-19大流行前多看到大约 20 – 25 个家庭
  • 2020年3月,武田制药捐赠了25万美元,以支持社区的流行病需求
  • 莱克星敦华协主席王华 (Hua Wang)介绍,莱克星敦美籍华人协会筹集了超过278,025美元的COVID-9大流行援助资金,支持了61家医院、42家疗养院、26个镇级部门、11家企业和7个地方组织

继续阅读,听取来自五个组织的领导人对在整个 COVID-19 大流行期间支持莱克星敦镇的工作的反思

AAPI Benefit Concert Was Held on Nov 11, Veteran’s Day

On this Veterans Day, we salute and honor our veterans. The concert last night featured retired US Army Major General William Chen, the first Chinese American two-star general of the US Army, joined by many local veterans as VIP guests.

Here is the link of LexMedia video recording of the event

Here is the link of photo album by Dongxu Shan

Here is the link of photo album by Weidong Wang

Here is the link of photo album by Tong Lin

Here is the report by Lexington Minuteman

Quote from our superintendent Julie Hackett:

“So proud of our students for organizing such a beautiful, inspirational evening! They raised over $10K for the integration of AAPI into our K-12 curriculum and honored Asian American veterans!

Why does AAPI curriculum integration matter? For hundreds of years, Asian Americans have been invisible, and they helped build this nation by amplifying AAPI voices! “


经过高中生义工们两个多月的努力宣传和推广下,公益音乐会已进入倒计时,所有参加演出的演员们都做好了呈现最好状态演出的准备,音乐会门票也在火爆销售中。感谢很多个人和机构纷纷慷慨解囊支持音乐会,截稿前共筹得善款$7,710. 让义工们倍受鼓舞,可喜的是慈善捐款的数额一直在不断的增加。
 “亚裔历史走进课堂” 公益捐款音乐会将邀请作为退伍军人贵宾出席本次活动,同时还非常荣幸地邀请到了莱镇学监朱莉·哈克特博士、莱镇华协主席王华教授、美国陆军第一位两星军衔的华裔美国人退伍军人陈绍章将军、公正平等教育联盟(CARE)的代表Shaw Yang作为特邀嘉宾在本场音乐会上发言。还有一位特邀嘉宾届时亮相。90岁高龄的资深社会活动家赵钟英老师也将会莅临音乐会到场支持活动。诚邀您购票观看!


恭贺莱镇青少年义工项目 荣获公民领导力学会2021年度奖项!



Helpful Hands成立一年多来,从最初的Ellen Wang 和Justin Wang姐弟两人,不断扩大,每一次活动都吸引更多的青少年参加,大部分成员都来自莱镇高中和初中。孩子们的无私奉献不仅得到了社区的赞誉和莱镇华协的支持, 也获得了公民领导力学会(Civic Leadership Academy)评委会的认可。

请查看公众号阅读更多有关Helpful Hands的信息

莱镇活动早知道 – Lexington Happenings I 2021 年 11 月



Please check out what’s happening in Lexington in November in this CAAL Blog:


Please scroll down to check the English version. There is a banner “Lexington Happenings – English Version” after the list of events in Chinese.

Charles Yu, author of Interior Chinatown helped students learn about the Chinese-American experience.

Many thanks to Lexington Education Foundation for hosting Charles Yu, author of Interior Chinatown, as he discussed his book with LHS students & the Lexington community.

Representatives of CAAL conveyed to Charles how meaningful his book is in helping students learn about the Chinese-American experience. It was a well attended event. There were many great questions raised by the audience. Charles’s sharing was candid and authentic.

Welcoming the acclaimed author of Interior Chinatown, Charles Yu!

Do you have your tickets yet to see Charles Yu in Lexington on November 3?

Use this link to buy tickets: https://lexingtoncommunityed.org/…/interior…/…

This opportunity is made possible through a program funded by Lexington Education Foundation and the inspiring work of Samantha St. Lawrence, the LHS educator leading the Lexington in Conversation project.

With the support of CAAL, the Interior Chinatown is available at Cary Library in paperback, Large Print, digial audiobook and ebook: https://bit.ly/3zk26AA