書語萊镇 – Read Lexington



“Every time I walk into the reading room of the Lexington Cary Library, the big bookshelf with well arranged books always attracts my attention and curiosity. “Celebrate Lexington’s Authors – 150th Cary Memorial Library 1868 – 2018” is written on the wall behind the bookshelf. As it is well known, Lexington has more than 500 published authors who specialize in science, education, literature, history, economics, health, computer science and other fields, and the library houses more than 1,500 books written by Lexington residents, an invaluable resource for many of us.

ReadLexington focuses on the local writers who live amongst us. They are our neighbors, friends and mentors. They appear distant yet are so close to us. ReadLexington aims to promote books written by Lexingtonians, offers readers a glimpse of authors’ creative process and daily life, and encourages everyone to read their books. It is published in both English and Chinese.

Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. – An International Episode Writer, Henry James. Let us pick a beautiful summer afternoon, and read a book by Lexingtonian together!

Here is the Chinese version

Here is the English version

Dreamaga Boston International Asian Music Festival was successfully held in Lexington on June 25 / 活动回顾 – 青草香里听乐声

What a fabulous night for “Tanglewood in Lexington”! Audiences enjoyed music from different genres by musicians from top music institutes, as well as amateur musicians of all ages in a cool summer evening.

Heartfelt thanks to many of our dedicated volunteers who made the Dreamaga Boston International Asian Music Festival in Lexington a huge success and a unique experience for audiences!

Here is the BARTV Interview

Here is the video replay of the concert

Here is the photo album from Dongxu Shan.

Here is the photo album collected from other photographer volunteers.




马提亚尔说:“回忆过去的生活,无异于再活一次。” 这次影展的照片于无声处中温暖地拥抱你的内心,这些时空的印记,让自己慢下来,回眸,再一次体会曾经的欢笑与泪水。看到这么多熟悉的乡亲朋友们的在照片中定格的身影,真好!
 欢迎大家走进 “亚裔在莱镇”你的我的摄影展。 “同一个村庄同一个梦想”摄影作品展示及慈善义卖仍在继续。时间跨度十年的的影展更像一瓶美酒,值得细品,醇厚甘甜。

请点击链接阅读 “公众号” 原文

Distinguished Guests Mark the 40th Anniversary of Vincent Chin Murder on June 26

On Jun 26, 2022 CAAL Co-President Melanie Lin joined with other local and national organizations in Boston Chinatown to remember the life of Vincent Chin, a Chinese American man who was brutally beaten by two white auto workers on June 19, 1982.

Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin R. Hayden, Steven W. Tompkins, Boston City Council President Ed Flynn, City Councilor At-Large Erin Murphy, Salem Mayor, Lt. Governor Candidate Kimberley Driscoll and other distinguished guests delivered remarked in honor of Vincent Chin’s life and against hate crimes.

Click here for Melanie’s speech.

Click here for the speeches of other speakers.

我的5K 故事/AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk Lexington/

AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk Lexington
本次“我的5K故事” 征文活动从五月中旬开始,一共收到来自社区三十位朋友们的踊跃投稿,分别以四个主题系列编辑成文发布:
感谢大家分享自己的5K小故事与经历,首届 AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk

我的5K 故事 – 和朋友一起跑步的时光


请点击阅读 “公众号” 欣赏阅读全文

我的 5K 故事 – 跑步是一种快乐积极的生活方式

请点击阅读 “公众号” 欣赏阅读全文




请点击阅读 “公众号” 了解更多义卖活动信息。

请点击下方链接 阅读Lexington 华人摄影和绘画展观感

为了支持摄影展,莱镇青少年计算机小组正在举办”我最喜爱的照片”投票活动,以及莱镇摄影展寻宝游戏,截止日期 6/30。

Fun Games and Photography Exhibits Sales to Support Cary Library “ChiRP Children’s Room Project”

“Asians in Lexington – One Village, One Dream Photography Exhibition” has been on display at Cary Memorial Library for nearly two months and will soon close on June 30.

With the consent of our generous photographers, we will put most of the photography prints (with frame) on sale for $50 eachAll the proceeds will go to the Cary Library’s “ChiRP Children’s Room Project”. Please check the library’s website for more information about the project. 

Stop by Piper Gallery, Pierce Gallery, and the Large Meeting Room of the library in the next three days to have some fun by voting your favorite photo and participate scavenger hunt game and win a gift card prize.
Feeling inspired? Vote for your favorite photo by 6/30
Feeling adventurous? Play the scavenger hunt game to win a gift card prize!

Visit CAAL Facebook Page to have a peek of the displayed photos.

The sales process for the library ChiRP project is simple: when you visit the photography exhibition, please tell us the title and the serial number of the photos you want to purchase, and your contact information by filling in the google form .

The payment shall be made within 24 hours after filling in the form. We will hand over the photos to you soon after June 30.

Payment methods:PayPal: donation@caal-ma.orgVenmo: @caal Lexington, the last four digits 2775(Please note your name and the serial number of the photos when making payment. We don’t accept cash)

We sincerely hope you would join this fundraising effort to support our beloved Cary Library.