An Art Auction to Raise Fund for Cary Library ChiRP Project

New Legacy Cultural Center, the Chinese American Association of Lexington, and Cary Library Foundation will be hosting an opening reception at Cary Library Wednesday, Aug 24th at 6:00 PM, featuring the art of Mike Mei.

The event will include a Back-in-time Costume Show, Art Auction, Chinese Cuisine Exposition (by Master Chef Patrick Shao), and Live Chinese Calligraphy Demo—all in support of Cary Library’s ChiRP! Project (renovating children’s and meeting spaces).

The schedule of events is as follows:

6:00 – 6:30pm Back-in-time Costume Show/Art Auction (Living Room 1st Floor)

6:30 – 7:30pm Speech, Performances, Calligraphy Demo, Artistic Chinese Cuisine Demo (Large Meeting Room, Lower Level)

7:30 – 8:30pm Meet the Artists and Art Exhibition Tour.

You are cordially invited to this free event at the Cary Library.

RSVP is not required but encouraged:…/art…/

To participate in the online auction, please visit:

Here is the event announcement in Chinese


《波士谈》精选8|2022UCA美国华人大会特别系列节目之麻州代表团采访特辑. 第三届美国华人大会暨首届UCA全国青年大会在7月15日上午八点半在首都华盛顿DC正式开幕。本次大会参与人数超过650人次,来自美国40个州,创历届大会新高。麻州代表团有65人参加了大会,为各州之首!本期节目为对部分麻州代表的采访特辑。

Reflections on the 2022 UCA Convention /美国华人联合的公民行动

10 CAAL EC members and youth representatives joined UCA-MA delegation attended the United Chinese Americans Convention on July 14-16 in Washington DC. Over 600 people attended the convention and exchanged ideas around forging authentic Chinese-American identities and building a civically active community..

Click this link to read CAAL Youth member Willian Zhang’s report and reflection about this convention:

“2022 年 7 月 14 日至 7 月 16 日我有幸参加了在华盛顿特区举行的第三届美国华人 (UCA) 大会,开阔了我的对社区志愿服务实践活动的视野,加深了我对华裔青少年参与义工项目来参与公民行动的理解。” –  William Zhang, CAAL Youth Programs

CAAL Community Service and PVSA Information Seminar was held on July 31, 2022/【莱镇英雄出少年 2022年度CAAL华协“总统义工奖”评选说明】

For 39 years, CAAL has been supporting and encouraging younger generations to give back to the community, especially with the establishment of the Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) seven years ago. Members from CAAL Community Service Committee introduced twelve CAAL youth programs and a whole range of opportunities to participate in community service that are organized, sponsored or recognized by CAAL, in collaboration with the town and community organizations. Student leaders shared their volunteering experiences with the students and parents.

Here are the 2022 CAAL PVSA Seminar presentation video and slides, and PVSA application forms. Please submit your application between Sept 1-Sept 30, 2022.

一年一度的CAAL华协“总统义工奖”评选说明讲座7月31日晚上在线召开。华协社区服务委员会青少年项目负责之一Judy Qiao,华协社区服务委员会主任Wendy Qin、Leeying Wu、Liying Kuang,主持和参加了讲座。他们为听众讲解了总统义工奖评选的流程和变化以及历届总统义工奖的获奖情况。   两位获得2021年总统义工奖的青年学生及一名刚刚参加美国华人联合大会的学生William Zhang和他妈妈在线分享了他们在为社区做义工服务时的心得体会。详情请看下面公众号文章

CAAL总统义工奖评选说明讲座 (7月31日)


    2022年的义工活动内容和时间和往年有何不同?CAAL是否有 新的调整?

华协社区委员会主任Wendy Qin, 将就今年“如何申请和登记总统奖义工时间”做出详细说明,而且特别邀请2-3名总统义工奖的得奖代表来分享他们的经验。另目前青少年项目的负责人和总统义工奖委员会成员都会在线解答大家的问题.

请点击阅读 “公众号” 了解更多活动内容

莱镇AAPI 美食录编著- Create a AAPI community cookbook


请于8月5日之前扫码,通过Google FormAAPI网站或联系



As part of our food celebration, we are looking to co-create a community cookbook with favorite AAPI recipes (& recipe-related stories) representing different AAPI cultures.

Here is a link (or through the AAPI youth website to submit the recipes. 

Please follow the recipe template (content and format) below to prepare your Recipe &Story.

This event is organized by Lexington AAPI Youth Team and Chinese American Association of Lexington, Funded by Community Endowment of Lexington (CEL) and Civic Leadership Academy (CLA); Co-sponsored by Japanese Support Group of Lexington, Indian Americans of Lexington, and Korean-American Organization of Lexington.

書語萊镇 – Read Lexington



“Every time I walk into the reading room of the Lexington Cary Library, the big bookshelf with well arranged books always attracts my attention and curiosity. “Celebrate Lexington’s Authors – 150th Cary Memorial Library 1868 – 2018” is written on the wall behind the bookshelf. As it is well known, Lexington has more than 500 published authors who specialize in science, education, literature, history, economics, health, computer science and other fields, and the library houses more than 1,500 books written by Lexington residents, an invaluable resource for many of us.

ReadLexington focuses on the local writers who live amongst us. They are our neighbors, friends and mentors. They appear distant yet are so close to us. ReadLexington aims to promote books written by Lexingtonians, offers readers a glimpse of authors’ creative process and daily life, and encourages everyone to read their books. It is published in both English and Chinese.

Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. – An International Episode Writer, Henry James. Let us pick a beautiful summer afternoon, and read a book by Lexingtonian together!

Here is the Chinese version

Here is the English version

Dreamaga Boston International Asian Music Festival was successfully held in Lexington on June 25 / 活动回顾 – 青草香里听乐声

What a fabulous night for “Tanglewood in Lexington”! Audiences enjoyed music from different genres by musicians from top music institutes, as well as amateur musicians of all ages in a cool summer evening.

Heartfelt thanks to many of our dedicated volunteers who made the Dreamaga Boston International Asian Music Festival in Lexington a huge success and a unique experience for audiences!

Here is the BARTV Interview

Here is the video replay of the concert

Here is the photo album from Dongxu Shan.

Here is the photo album collected from other photographer volunteers.

