(reported by Youth reporter: Christina Xiao) 2023年5月27日,莱克星顿街头人来人往,热闹非凡,一年一度的莱克星顿发现日正吸引着本地和邻镇的大量居民和游客。人们怀着期待和好奇的心情沿着马萨诸塞大道漫步,探索各式各样引人入胜的展位。 本次探索日活动参与人数达到了前所未有的高度,仅CAAL就有近30名志愿者奉献了他们的时间与热情。游客们来到CAAL的展位,感受富于中国传统文化的游戏和青少年演奏的弦乐。更有参赛者们领取他们的号码布和T恤,为第二天备受期待的AAPI 5公里跑步和步行活动以及国殇日纪念仪式做好准备。莱克星顿华裔协会(CAAL)在整个亚裔传统月组织了一系列精彩的活动。 In the vibrant streets of Lexington, businesses and programs were bustling with activity as they prepared their booths for the highly anticipated annual Lexington Discovery Day. The event drew a diverse crowd, attracting not only thousands of local citizens but also visitors from afar who eagerly wandered along Mass Ave, exploring the captivating array of booths on display. The attendance reached unprecedented heights, with nearly 30 volunteers dedicating their time to the CAAL program alone. Visitors came by CAAL booths to enjoy culture games and music. Runners picked their bibs and T-shirts to get ready for the highly anticipated AAPI 5K Run & Walk event and Poppy flower memorial ceremony tomorrow. The Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) orchestrated a series of engaging events in May AAPPI Heritage month, infusing the atmosphere with a festive spirit.