AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk will be held on this Sunday. Online registration will end on Saturday。
Leverett Wing, CEO of MA Commonwealth Seminar will be the Keynote Speaker. Jack Fleming, CEO of BAA,, Town Manager James Malloy, Dr. Julie Hackett will join to support this event like last year! Let’s run to celebrate AAPI and for unity, solidarity and belonging!
莱镇第二届 AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk 将在本周日举行,网上报名时间在五月二十七日截止。欢迎大家继续踊跃报名。
Leverett Wing, CEO of MA Commonwealth Seminar, 将作为比赛开幕式的Keynote Speaker,并和大家一起奔跑在百年小镇的赛道上。Jack Fleming, CEO of BAA,和莱镇学监Dr. Julie Hackett 如去年一样,继续全力支持AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk 活动。让我们一起奔跑起来以庆祝亚太裔社区的贡献及多元化。在庆祝亚太裔传统月的同时,享受参与社区活动的快乐时光!
Here is the link for registration and all the informaiton.