Are you ready for a grand celebration tonight? It is a sold out event. Let’s ring in the year of the Rabbit with hopes that 2023 will be a year of health and prosperity!
Here is the link of the LNY Celebration Program Book:
Here is the details of the performances : 《节目单 》
️ 兔年庙会:5:00 – 6:30pm 首届农历跨文化展台和年货美食一条街闪亮开张,吃的玩的应有尽有!
️ 春节晚会:6:30 -8:00pm 200多名演员和组织者将为您奉献多文化形式的艺术表演,盛大空前、丰富多彩的表演将带给您全新的感受。
️ 魔术表演:获奖魔术新星将倾情献艺。第一场5:30-5:45pm,第二场 5:50 – 6:05pm,地点Cary Hall 底层 Estabrook Hall 小剧场。