Here is Lexington Happenings! – July Issue
Please scroll down to read the English version and discover highlights of this month!
【莱镇活动早知道 – 2022 年 7 月】Happy 4th of July! 拉开了七月浓烈的序章,与上半年漂亮的告别,与未来热情的相拥,梦里繁花处处开!

Here is Lexington Happenings! – July Issue
Please scroll down to read the English version and discover highlights of this month!
【莱镇活动早知道 – 2022 年 7 月】Happy 4th of July! 拉开了七月浓烈的序章,与上半年漂亮的告别,与未来热情的相拥,梦里繁花处处开!