During Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) heritage month, a large group of eager people gathered at Lexington High School to participate in the AAPI 5K Run. These runners and walkers were from all over the place, with ages ranging from 4 to 84. After the fatiguing run, participants were welcomed inside of the Lexington High School field house, where they were introduced to various Asian and Pacific Island cultures. Our table, which taught visitors of Chinese culture, featured a Zodiac sign activity and traditional games. Guests were encouraged to browse the zodiacs, as well as take pictures with their own zodiac sign. In addition to the Zodiac sign activity, viewers were allowed to play traditional Chinese games, such as Chinese Shuttlecock (毽子) and Chinese Jump Rope (跳皮筋). Happy AAPI heritage month!
这个夏天,在莱镇及波士顿其他地区刮起了一股中国生肖文化的旋风,为庆祝AAPI亚太裔传统月,由️ Lion莱恩青少年编辑部负责创意设计制作并主持的中华文化展台,已在不同的三场大型活动中亮相,每次都异常火爆,吸引了众多中外人士驻足观赏并争相拍照留念。莱恩传播文化是认真和用心的,下一场生肖文化巡演,将于波士顿国际亚洲音乐节6月25日莱镇现场亮相!敬请关注,期待您的光临。想知道发生的趣事和花絮吗?