We had a unforgettable ride on Oct 10 to honor Chinese American cyclist Henry Ar Foon (1874-1955), reportedly the first Chinese child born in the Boston area and elected president of the Winnisimmet Cycle Club of Chelsea in 1897. We visited scenic Wompatuck State Park, lovely Jerusalem Road in Cohasset, and ride to Scituate to his later-in-life home site and grave site. More information on Henry Ar Foon at https://neccd.bike/henryarfoon-en/
The event was organized by CAAL, New England Chinese American Alliance (NECAA) and New England Cycling Coalition for Diversity.
10月10号的骑行活动非常成功,内容好,风景好,好玩有趣有意义! 本次与新英格兰地区各族裔骑友一起缅怀历史,缔造友谊,追求多元的金秋骑行,我们是在创造和改变历史。