Today is the annual Discovery Day here in Lexington. It’s a sunny day mixed with a thin breeze. Everywhere we go, we see harmony and there are cheerful voices everywhere. There are lots of stands from different organizations in Lexington.
At the CAAL booth, we are performing music and tea artistry, distributing yellow whistles and “Stop Asian Hate” signs. We are also handing out leaflets highlighting CAAL history and upcoming concert. Please stop by our booth till 3 pm.
Check out the photo album by Di Ding
Read the English Report by Ziyun Vivian Wang
金秋时节,正是新英格兰地区享有盛誉的Autumn Foliage(秋叶)最美的时候,迎来了疫情开放后人们期待已久的莱镇传统探索日(Discover Day)。因为去年没有举办活动,今年故称之为Re-Discovery Day。10月9日,在镇中心麻州大道,展位林立,游人如织,歌舞齐飞,一幅欢乐、流动的节日画卷徐徐展开,与蓝天白云、缤纷秋叶相媲美。