3/20 烛光悼念亚特兰大惨案受害者 – Hastings Park Lexington

莱镇华协和镇社区联盟各组织及其它麻州华人组织呼吁全社会倾巢出动,严重抗议对美国亚裔愈演愈烈的种族歧视暴行!#Stop Asian Hate! #Stop Hate Crime!

自从发生了亚特兰大凶杀8位女性,其中包括6位亚裔女性的惨案以后,亚裔社区无比悲愤。无论是针对亚裔美国人, 还是其他族裔的暴力或种族主义言行,我们在任何情况下都绝不容忍。莱镇华协和社区联盟各组织决定在本周六,3月20日,晚6:00,在Hastings Park at 119 Lincoln Street Lexington举行烛光悼念集会,纪念逝去的生命,呼吁社会广泛关注针对反亚裔的犯罪,团结全美人民向仇恨和犯罪宣战!


May be an image of text that says 'COMMUNITY Gathering E Vigil Hastings Park @ 119 Lincoln St. 爱 Sat, Mar 20 愛 6:00-9:00 PM 6:०० Banner Making 7:45 -Remarks and Community Voices 사랑 yêu và quý Organized By: Lexington Community Coalition The Town of Lexington, MA gathers in support of our Asian and Asian- American friends, family and neighbors following the Atlanta hate crimes, and an increase in anti-Asian bate crimes. COVIDsaey COVIDsafetpci .'
