EdCAAL 高中生活分享 – 九年级的新生和家长们,来听听LHS 的学长们分享高中的学习和课外活动安排,如何合理安排时间,劳逸结合,发展自己的兴趣爱好和社区服务的热忱,努力享受高中生活! 请扫描二维码或点击 https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vgW2ZJcwQOCcAkLo1ktD5g 报名和提问题。
EdCAAL is hosting a panel discussion on transitioning from middle school to high school.
Various topics will be covered as the goal is to give the incoming 9th graders a realistic look on this perhaps the most consequential transition of their young life. We have a group of high-achieving, accomplished teens consisting of current LHS students and recent grads, sharing their experience and giving practical and applicable advice/tips.
Please join us in this lively, insightful experience sharing session on transitioning to HS!
Please extract QR code on the flyer to register or use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vgW2ZJcwQOCcAkLo1ktD5g. Email confirmation will include links to Zoom and questionnaire.
Here is the post event report