Amy Tan

Name of AAPI FigureAmy Tan
What is the person’s Asian heritage or ethnicity?Chinese
Area of InfluenceAmerican Author
Date of birth or time periodBorn 1952
How did this individual make a contribution to their field or to society/culture at large?Amy Tan’s work contributes to people’s understanding of Asian and American culture. Her most notable novel, The Joy Luck Club (1989), epitomizes aspects of the Asian American family through the story of four Chinese mothers and their American-born children, establishing common themes and messages within Asian American literature. Moreover, Tan’s success convinced publishers to consider books written by Asian American authors, diversifying the field of literature. Tan has also written other novels and short stories, such as Fish Cheeks (1987) and The Bonesetter’s Daughter (2001).
How does this person inspire you?Amy Tan inspires me because of her tenacity and willingness to pursue writing. For Asian Americans who would like to write (especially during the 1990s), Tan sends a clear message: becoming an Asian American writer is an achievable career. Though this may be seen as naive, considering that becoming an author requires talent, luck, and diligence. But for some Asian Americans people hesitantly considering authorship? A role model might be just what they need to pursue their goals.
Submitted byJoanna Liu
City, StateLexington