同一个村庄同一个梦想 — “亚裔在莱镇”摄影展 成功举办

5月18日晚,“亚裔在莱镇”摄影展的嘉宾接待会在Cary Memorial Library成功举行。本次接待会旨在邀请各主办方、协办方人员前来观展,进而帮助宣传推广,鼓励更多的人来图书馆参观这些摄影作品。 “亚裔在莱镇”摄影展以同一个村庄同一个梦想为主题,向大众广泛征集并最终展出了约100幅能够展现亚洲文化、反映莱镇亚裔社区活动、彰显亚裔居民为社区做贡献的照片或画作。请观看波士顿中文广播电视台 (BARTV) 相关报道

亚太裔纪录片 | 《远东深南》观摩暨与导演和制片人实时讨论会圆满结束

亚太裔美国人的故事也是美国故事。我们需要讲完整的故事,让后代,不仅是亚太裔后代,而且是美国所有族裔的后代,都了解完整的美国历史。学习完整的美国历史是增进族裔之间的互相了解, 消除隔亥和矛盾的开始。

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线上访谈 – 美食、文化与身份认同之间的关联

美食专家嘉宾:Helen Chen, Debra Samuels, and Shailini Sisodia.

请点击阅读 “公众号” 欣赏阅读原文

请点击阅读 How Joyce Chen changed America’s perceptions of Chinese food

Virtual – The Connection between Food, Culture, and Identity at 7 pm on May 24

Let’s celebrate AAPI Heritage Month! Join Cary Library, Lexington AAPI Heritage Celebration Youth Team, CAAL, and our panel of food experts for a conversation about the relationship between food and culture. Our panelists will talk about the memories and cultural significance associated with their favorite dish. They’ll share their perspectives on how a love of one’s cuisine can provide comfort, connection, and a sense of identity.

Panel of Food Experts: Helen Chen, Debra Samuels, and Shailini Sisodia.

Register for a ZOOM link at carylibrary.org or https://carylibrary.assabetinteractive.com/…/virtual…/

This event is organized by Lexington AAPI Heritage Celebration Youth Team, Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL), and Cary Library; Funded by Community Endowment of Lexington, Mass Cultural Council, and Civic Leadership Academy; Co-sponsored by Indian Americans of Lexington (IAL), Japanese Support Group of Lexington (JPLex), and Korean Organization of Lexington (KOLex).