Name of AAPI Figure | Hasan Minhaj |
What is the person’s Asian heritage or ethnicity? | Indian American |
Area of Influence | Comedian (The Daily Show, White House Correspondence Dinner, Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj,) |
Date of birth or time period | 23-Sep-85 |
How did this individual make a contribution to their field or to society/culture at large? | As a comedian in his mid 30s who is South Asian and raised by with immigrant parents in a bilingual home — he brings a fresh perspective on current events, pop culture and political topics. |
Why did you choose this person? What about their story speaks to you? | Oftentimes, Asian Americans are taught that we are supposed to a-political and not make waves — hence the model minority stereotype. He punches back on that distorted mirror with humor and honestly. A key strength is being a comedian whose jokes resonate with a diverse audience while not hiding his own identities (Indian American, Muslim). |
How does this person inspire you? | He inspires me because he talks about sometimes popular (e.g. lack of voting in the Asian American community) and sometimes obscure political topics (e.g. disposable clothing). He spend a whole show digging into a topic in depth (like John Oliver). I also like that he does not pretend to be someone else. He is also very open and honest about the discrimination he faced right after the 9/11 terror attacks and even some of the nonsense that he faces now. He makes lighthearted fun of everyone including other desis (people of South Asian descent). Yeah I am sure some people may find that offensive but so what? It’s ok to laugh at yourself and with your own folks. I would rather people be honest than have people pandering. On the other hand, Netflix did cancel his show so maybe he had a little too much truth telling. |
What surprised you as you were learning about this person? | His mom covered up with his dad when he was just starting out at comedy clubs. |
Resources to share if others want to learn more (optional)–list websites, books, or other resources you used to learn about the person | Netflix Patriot Act https://twitter.com/hasanminhaj?lang=en https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwFr6RX2Y40 |
Submitted by | Anonymous |
Age | 17 |
City, State | Lexington, MA |