
我的5K 故事/AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk Lexington/

AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk Lexington
本次“我的5K故事” 征文活动从五月中旬开始,一共收到来自社区三十位朋友们的踊跃投稿,分别以四个主题系列编辑成文发布:
感谢大家分享自己的5K小故事与经历,首届 AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk

我的5K 故事 – 和朋友一起跑步的时光


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我的 5K 故事 – 跑步是一种快乐积极的生活方式

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请点击下方链接 阅读Lexington 华人摄影和绘画展观感

为了支持摄影展,莱镇青少年计算机小组正在举办”我最喜爱的照片”投票活动,以及莱镇摄影展寻宝游戏,截止日期 6/30。


Fun Games and Photography Exhibits Sales to Support Cary Library “ChiRP Children’s Room Project”

“Asians in Lexington – One Village, One Dream Photography Exhibition” has been on display at Cary Memorial Library for nearly two months and will soon close on June 30.

With the consent of our generous photographers, we will put most of the photography prints (with frame) on sale for $50 eachAll the proceeds will go to the Cary Library’s “ChiRP Children’s Room Project”. Please check the library’s website for more information about the project. 

Stop by Piper Gallery, Pierce Gallery, and the Large Meeting Room of the library in the next three days to have some fun by voting your favorite photo and participate scavenger hunt game and win a gift card prize.
Feeling inspired? Vote for your favorite photo by 6/30
Feeling adventurous? Play the scavenger hunt game to win a gift card prize!

Visit CAAL Facebook Page to have a peek of the displayed photos.

The sales process for the library ChiRP project is simple: when you visit the photography exhibition, please tell us the title and the serial number of the photos you want to purchase, and your contact information by filling in the google form .

The payment shall be made within 24 hours after filling in the form. We will hand over the photos to you soon after June 30.

Payment methods:PayPal: donation@caal-ma.orgVenmo: @caal Lexington, the last four digits 2775(Please note your name and the serial number of the photos when making payment. We don’t accept cash)

We sincerely hope you would join this fundraising effort to support our beloved Cary Library.


纪念 – 华裔陈果仁遇害40周年 (6月26日)

纪念华裔陈果仁遇害40周年40th Anniversary  Vincent Chin Memorial 
地点:Lion Gateway, Chinatown Boston

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第二届“ 梦想家” 波士顿国际亚洲音乐节在王奕飞先生的倾情赞助下,将连续举办4场户外音乐会, 而在上周(6月18日)的首场贝镇音乐会, 全场爆满, 大获成功。

请点击 “公众号” 阅读对陈先生的采访报道



父亲节特别献礼 – 和父亲一起跑步的时光

父亲的爱不善表达,但那些陪伴跑步的时光和一起挥洒过的汗水却替他默默诉说 … 莱镇华协(CAAL)祝所有的父亲们节日快乐! 

请点击 “公众号” 链接, 阅读 ” 我的5K故事-和父亲一起跑步的时光 “



CAAL is proud to be a sponsor of the Lexington historic Society Gala

It was all jazzed up at the Lexington Historic Society Gala on Saturday night! CAAL is proud to be a sponsor. Everyone was having a blast including CAAL president Hua Wang! 🎉🥳🍾



时间:6月25日(周六) 4: 30 – 8: 00PM

Lexington Visitors Center,1875 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA 02420
户外 Outside (带上你的毯子 你的椅子 你的家人你的朋友……)

野餐Picnic (带上你的饮料你的鸡爪你的瓜子你的薯片……)

音乐 Free entrance (无需信用卡无需支票无需现金)


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首届 AAPI 5 K Run ‘n’ Walk 圆满闭幕

由莱克星顿镇华人协会和莱镇Hey Runners俱乐部联手组织主办的AAPI 5K 声势浩大,500个跑号售空 , 是波士顿地区华人组织的最大比赛盛事。我们希望把AAPI 5K 跑和健走活动一年年地承办下去,使之成为亚太裔社区活动中一道亮丽的风景线,成为我们莱镇的经典5K 跑步活动之一。

请点击阅读 “公众号” 了解更多活动内容


Outdoor Concert at the Visitor Center Lawn on Saturday, June 25 – the Dreamega Boston International Asian Music Festival

On Saturday June 25, the second annual Dreamega Boston International Asian Music Festival will once again stop in Lexington on its four-town tour. The Lexington concert will be held at the Visitor Center lawn starting 5:45 pm on Saturday, June 25. Dubbed the “Tanglewood of Lexington”, the family picnic concert is free and features many acclaimed local musicians. You will enjoy music from different genres by Asian and other musicians from top music institutes, as well as amateur musicians of all ages.Besides the many acclaimed Chinese musicians, the performances also include Oscar Stabnaro, Wes Wirth Global Ensemble, David “FuZe” Fuczynski’s music band, Indian “Blue Rain” band, Korean Musician Junhan Choi and Berklee Chinese Traditional Music Club.
Here is a video introduction of the performers

So pack a family picnic, come to meet your neighbors and enjoy this unique music experience on a cool summer evening. Doors open at 4:30 PM for outdoor cultural activities and free ice cream prior to the show.The concert series is a production of New Moon International, and is organized by Chinese American Association of Lexington – CAAL, Belmont Chinese American Association, Weston Westar, Acton Chinese-American Civic Society, and the Boston International Media. Co-sponsored by New Legacy Cultural Center (NLCC), Japanese Support Group of Lexington (JPLex), Korean Organization of Lexington (KOLex) and Indian Americans of Lexington (IAL),This program is funded in part by a grant from Mass Cultural Council, a state agency, and grants from Lexington Council for the Arts, Mass Cultural Council and our generous business sponsors.