Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
- Lexington Symphony
- Lexington Historical Society
- New York Life Insurance – Reliable Friends Group
- American Education and Thinking Academy 美育思培训
- Orthodontic Associates of Lexington 马玉慈牙医博士牙齿矫正专科
- EA Education Consulting & Services 美东教育
- Lieberman Law
- Szechuan’s Dumpling 醉杭州
- MT Law
- The Robo Hub
- Vineeta Kumar for Select Board
- Kajko, Weisman, & Colasanti, LLP
- RSM Lexington
- Enterprise Bank
- Karma Asian Fusion Cuisine
- Letterly Academy
- SalemFive Charitable Foundation
Emerald Sponsors
- Lex 250
- E+Skin
- Beijing Chinese Dining 北京郭林
- Clay Pot Cafe
- Luckie Art Studio 大阿福娃娃艺术画展
- KtByte US Inc.
- Sichuan Gourmet Burlington老四川
- Formosa Taipei
- ZhenSight Reality
- Joe Pato for Select Board
- Frank Chen/Kathleen Zhang, CPA
- Dawn McKenna for Select Board
- Richard’s Auto Services & Sales
- Lester E. Savage of Commonwealth Real Estate