Performance Overview
- Song: The Rhyme of Li Weng – New Legacy Cultural Center
- Sudbury Chamber – Butterfly Lovers
- Percussion – Boston Synchrony Chinese Percussion Ensemble
- Selling Tangyuan – New Legacy Cultural Center
- Good Luck – Happy Dance Group
- Jasmine Flower – Cantabile Chamber Music Group
- Girls in the Mirror – Lexington Little Dancers
- Riddles and Trivia
- Spring Festival Prelude – Lex-Acompany String Quartet
- Beauty of Bamboo Scroll – Belmont Dancers
- Congratulations in the New Year – New Legacy Cultural Center
- Beat the Drums and Sing – Bedford Performers
- Colonial Dance – Lexington Historical Society Colonial Dancers
- Come Celebrate, When I Close My Eyes, Cardinal – Lexington Children’s Chorus
Bedford Performers
打起手鼓唱起歌 (Beat the Drums and Sing) is performed by Kangbin Jia on Dizi, Karen Jia and Kalie Jia on Liuqin. Kangbin is a 7th grader at John Glenn Middle School, Karen and Kalie are 5th graders at Lane Elementary School, Bedford MA

Belmont Dancers
成人舞蹈 《书简》 Dance<Beauty of bamboo scroll>
指导老师: Hannah Wang, Tina Yeung
陈茹 Ru Chen, 陈瑶 Yao Chen, 杜素霞 Suxia Du, 方洁萍 Jieping Fang, 付雪艳Xueyan Fu,高源源 Yuanyuan Gao, 郭宁 Ning Guo, 周霞 Xia Zhou, 邹宁 Ning Zou, 郑师惠 Shihui Zheng
The Belmont Adult Chinese Dance Team was first established in 2016 by a group of Belmont moms who are passionate about traditional Chinese dancing. Although with limited experience or professional training, these moms have been dedicated dancers who work really hard to improve their skills and demonstrations of the true beauty of traditional Chinese dances. They embrace dancing as a way to stay healthy and expressive, and to connect with each other in their pursuit of carrying forward the art and culture of traditional Chinese dancing in their communities.

Boston Synchrony Chinese Percussion Ensemble
The Boston Synchrony Chinese Percussion (波士頓水底魚打擊樂團) Ensemble was founded in 2012 after participating in the Fifth Annual Chinese Music Instrument Competition and Concert of that year. Traditional Chinese percussion music has a long history and is an important genre of Chinese music. The ensemble provides an opportunity to promote Chinese percussion music to the local audience. The ensemble has given performances in such venues as First Church in Boston, First Night Boston, GBCCA Annual Banquet, Peabody Essex Museum, Tzu Chi Boston, Chinatown, and Pawtucker Arts Festival.
Performers: Fenny Guo 郭宜如, Dongzi Yu 余冬子, Mimi Chen 陳長敏, Brenda Lu 盧香如

Colonial Dancers
Colonial Dance
The mission of Lexington Historial Society is to be a premiere interpreter of the events of April 1775, and the faithful steward of all of the town’s history through time.
The Lexington Historical Society aims to facilitate Lexington Historical Society’s role as being a leading expert in all aspects of Lexington’s history and a premiere interpreter of the town’s colonial and Revolutionary War narrative while engaging the diverse Lexington and global community.

Happy Dance Group
Dance: Good Luck – 好运来
Founded in 2012 by a group of dance-loving moms, the Boston Happy Dance Troupe is a non-profit organization that actively engages in community activities. Today, our troupe has grown to over 30 dancers, all of whom are professionals from various industries. Our motto is exercise together, dance together, and be happy together.

Lex-Acompany String Quartet
Instruments: Spring Festival Prelude《 春节序曲》
Presenting the Lex-Accompany String Quartet! 1st violin: He Huang,黄贺 2nd violin: Ziran Wang (mentor),汪子然 Viola: Laura Yang (mentor),杨然然 Cello: William Yang,杨翔羽
In Lex-Accompany by CAAL, student mentors accompany and encourage Lexington transfer students to participate in a range of different activities, so that these students are able to seamlessly integrate into the community.
Laura and Ziran, two of Lex-Accompany’s student mentors, are regularly joined by He Huang and William to participate in community performances. They wish you all a happy Lunar New Year with the Spring Festival Prelude!

Lexington Children’s Choir
Come Celebrate
When I Close My Eyes
The Lexington Children’s Chorus, under the auspices of the Lexington Music School (Munroe Center for the Arts), is an auditioned choral ensemble for singers in 4th and 5th grades from Lexington and the surrounding area. During our weekly rehearsals, singers experience team-building, ear training, vocal development, music reading and aural skills, and so much more.
Ms. Angela Carpenter and Ms. Allison Iannuzzi, co-directors, are thrilled for the opportunity to continue to develop a wonderful Children’s Chorus here in Lexington, Massachusetts! This is our second season with LCC. Our inaugural season in 2019, pre-pandemic, included two performances with the Lexington Symphony Orchestra – Carmina Burana, and as the featured chorus for their Holiday Pops Concert Series.
This 2022-2023 season, LCC was thrilled to be invited to join the Middlesex County Volunteers Fifes & Drums for their Christmas Day Album 20th Anniversary Concert at Cary Hall. In this “Marching Toward the Holidays” Concert, LCC performed various Christmas Carols with the fifes and drums and also sang a few selections with our accompanist, Ms. Martha Rogers. LCC also recently performed their Winter Concert at Follen Church in Lexington.
LCC singers meet every Thursday afternoon to rehearse and experience team-building, ear training, vocal development, reading and aural skills, and so much more. LCC singers are currently learning and preparing for our Spring Concert on Saturday, May 13 at 3:00 PM at Follen Church (free admission).
The Lexington Children’s Chorus is still admitting more singers in the spring semester. If you have an interested Grade 4 or 5 singer, please visit our website at for more information!

Lexington Little Dancers
Performance Name:
Girls in the mirror
Performer Names:
徐丹妮 Mia Xu, 刘夏冉 Summer Liu, 魏梓洢 Adelynn Wei, 黄嘉歆 Isabella Huang, 华嘉禾 Michaela hua, 申婉娈 Zoey Shen, 申婉妤 Chloe Shen
Sudbury Chamber
Butterfly Lovers, 梁山伯与祝英台
The legend of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is set in the Eastern Jin dynasty. Liang Shanbo, a scholar from Kuaiji, meets Zhu Yingtai. Yingtai is the only daughter of the wealthy Zhu family, and is disguised as a man to fulfill her scholarly pursuits. They study together for the next three years in school and Zhu gradually falls in love with Liang. However, Zhu’s parents have already arranged for her to marry a wealthy merchant, Ma Wencai. Liang is heartbroken when he hears the news and his health gradually deteriorates until he becomes critically ill and dies. On the day of Zhu’s marriage Zhu leaves the procession to pay her respects at Liang’s grave. Suddenly, the grave opens with a clap of thunder. Without further hesitation, Zhu throws herself into the grave to join Liang. Their spirits emerge in the form of a pair of butterflies and fly away together, never to be separated again.
Performers: Douglas Zhang, Alex Ning, Lucas Li, Melody Lu

New Legacy Cultural Center
Song: The Rhyme of Li Weng – 歌曲 笠翁对韵
The Rhyme of Li Weng is a text on primary education written by the Qing-period (1644-1911) novel writer and dramaturgist Li Yu. It was one of the most widespread book instructing children in the method of composing poems by observing the strict pattern of level and falling tone rhymes, and is still used today.
Performers: 徐丹妮 Mia Xu, 胡诗涵 Lisa Hu, 熊心悦 Audrey Xiong, 熊小安 Anna Xiong, 李婉辰, 李婉云, 黄乐萱, 刘天兰, 刘淇奥, 祁柳依
Song:Selling Tangyuan – 歌曲:卖汤圆
Tangyuan is traditionally eaten during the Lantern Festival, which falls on the 15th day of the first month of a lunar new year, which is the first full moon. The festival falls each year on a day in February in the International calendar. People eat Tangyuan for good luck and hopes of filling their life with sweetness and joy. The practice of eating Tangyuan has been around for over 2,000 years and has had several names over the years.
Performers: 徐丹妮 Mia Xu, 胡诗涵, 李婉辰 Melody Li, 李婉云 Chelsea Li, 刘天兰, 王紫祺 Ellie Wang, Connor Guo 郭漮诺, 申婉娈, 申婉妤, 李欣怡, 曾祥熙 Mulan Zeng, Fiona Feng, 魏梓洢, 程思琪, 程思琳, 李音颐, 李音, 华嘉禾, 黄嘉歆, 魏灵柒, 王飞仑, Alicia Hao, 张宇瑤(Andrea), 张思涵(Amelia), 辛俊枍 Junyi Xin, 熊心悦 Audrey Xiong, 熊小安 Anna Xiong, 刘淇奥, 祁柳依, Emma chen
Song: Congratulations in the New Year – 歌曲:贺新年
Congratulations on the new year, blessings for the new year, new year, a year follows another The sound of firecrackers brings back memories of childhood. Hope that from now on, everything will go smoothly as we wish. Wish everyone a peaceful and secure year.
Performers: Mia Xu 徐丹妮, Connor Guo 郭漮诺, Lisa Hu 胡诗涵, Benjamin wang, Alison Zhang, Alicia Hao, Audrey Xiong 熊心悦, Anna Xiong 熊小安, 刘淇奥, 祁柳依
The Cantabile Chamber Music Group
Instruments:Jasmine Flower – 茉莉花
The Cantabile Chamber Music Group from Lincoln MA was founded during the pandemic. A group of talented teenage instrumentalists came together to lift their spirits and create beauty through collaboration. We have been rehearsing weekly for almost 2 years now and several concerts have been given. We look forward to exploring the endlessly exciting repertoire of both classical and contemporary music.