News media coverage on “Proud to be Asian” Rally on Sunday, April 11 at the Boston Common

The inspiring youth song “We are proud to be Asian” turned the #StopAisanHate moment into a movement. It’s a movement by the youths and for the youths. It’s a movement of Asian Pride. It’s a movement calling for telling the AAPI story in school curriculum.
We can fight back by coming together. We need to build an infrastructure to support our kids’ American Identity. Our kids deserve the correct windows and mirrors so that they never have to feel anything less than Americans!

Please read the below News Media Coverage on “Proud to be Asian” Rally on Sunday, April 11 at the Boston Common:
Boston Globe Pre-Event Report

Boston Globe Post-Event Report

GBH News

7 News Boston

WBZ4 CBS Boston

BBC News

14岁少女创作反歧视歌曲《We are proud to be Asian》19位亚裔青少年共唱一首歌

莱镇华协联合出品的青少年《We are Proud to be Asian》MV于4/9日对华人圈发布,4/11集会当天正式对外媒发布。大家可以点击观看视频
也请大家用这个链接捐款支持该 MV 的制作和青少年发声反仇视。请在Memo注明“Youth #StopHate”

Click to read Boston Globe Report

请点击 公众号文章阅读对这次活动的更多报道

“将亚裔历史写入美国中小学课程”集会 – 4/11周日 ,下午四点, BOSTON COMMON“将亚裔历史写入美国中小学课程”集会
4/11周日 ,下午四点, BOSTON COMMON
活动详情:4pm 活动启动4:11pm 主持人宣布活动开始默哀仪式4:30pm 由青少年创作的反歧视MV《We are proud to be Asian》对外媒发布5:00pm 歌曲创作者及青少年倡导代表发言5:25pm 现场演唱歌曲《We are proud to be Asian》和现场参与者一起互动5:30pm 教育界代表就将亚裔历史写进教课书的倡仪发言6:00pm 大型倡仪书现场签名

4,Donation Link
请在Memo注明“Youth #StopHate” 


波马沿线八镇 “反仇恨,传播爱 ”接力 ,亚裔这次不再沉默

莱镇华协在3月20日倡导和组织参与了在Hasting Park,Lexington举办的烛光纪念会后,更进一步为“停止仇恨亚裔”发声并积极行动起来。3月27日,由新英格兰华人联盟(NECAA)发起并联合Lexington华协,Wellesley华协、Belmont华协、Winchester华协、Newton华协、Brookline中文学校、莱星文化、UCA-MA、旅美科协波士顿分会、波士顿清华校友会、吕令基金会(Lingzi Foundation)、亚美会、Westar、Brookline华人居民群、Wellesley中文学校、Needham华协、和平世界基金会、波士顿浙江微信群、北美杭州同乡会、北美南宁同乡总会、剑桥华协、犇跑团、美国中餐联盟在波马沿线的八个镇举行了一场首尾相连的沿街举牌和接力跑Rally and Run,再次用行动来抗议任何反亚裔的仇恨活动,我们提倡平等,团结和友爱,反对歧视,偏见和仇恨!

请点击 公众号文章阅读对这次活动的精彩报道


莱镇华协(CAAL)公众号隆重推出【莱镇生活百科】新专栏, 旨在提供专家专业建议,为大家打造生活资讯共享平台。
第一期推出2020报税指南篇之一,根据2020年政府各项补贴政策和针对2021年的新税法草案,请资深注册会计师 Kathleen Zhang讲解2020年报税时的一些省税策略,以及如何提前进行个人与公司报税规划。

想了解更多省税策略细节,请点击阅读 公众号文宣

2021莱镇爱国者日庆祝活动- 精彩纷呈 不容错过


想了解更多爱国者日精彩活动细节,请点击阅读 公众号文宣

Dr. Hua Wang, CAAL President Interviewed for the #StopAsianHate Rally & Run at Boston Common

Dr. Hua Wang, CAAL President and Co-chair of NECAA, was interviewed by Boston Globe, WBZ 4, WCVB 5, WHDH 7, NBC10 Boston, WFXT 25, NECN, GBH News at the iconic Boston Common – the last stop of the #StopAsianHate Rally & Run. Please see below for some of the media quotes and links:

Hua Wang, chair of the New England Chinese American Alliance, told GBH News the event was organized as a metaphor for the prolonged effort needed to wipe out racism. “This is not going to be a once-and-done event, it’s a marathon,” he said, “so that’s why we choose the theme about covering all 8 cities and towns along the route. It’s a marathon – it’s very important for us to turn this moment into momentum.” – GBH News

This is actually a crisis moment for Asian Americans. But out of crisis comes opportunity,” said Hua Wang, co-chair of the New England Chinese American Alliance. “It’s also an opportunity for us to speak up and condemn xenophobia, hatred, bigotry and violence against Asian Americans.” “We will not be silent,” said Wang. “And we need to turn this moment into momentum.” – WBZ 4 TV

WBZ 4 TV News: ‘We Will Not Be Silent’: Rally Along Boston Marathon Route Calls Out Attacks Against Asian Americans

GBH News: ‘It’s A Marathon’: Local Asian Community Gathers To Mourn And Call For Action Against Racism

CAAL Members Joined #StopAsianHate Rally & Run on Saturday, March 27th

On Saturday, March27, CAAL joined forces with New England Chinese American Alliance (NECAA) to organize a #StopAsianHate Rally & Run through eight cities/towns along the world-famous Boston Marathon route. The event was co-sponsored by over 40 organizations in the greater Boston area including the revered Boston Athletic Association (BAA) – host of the Boston Marathon. 

With over 1,000 people joining the rallies along the Marathon route, the Rally & Run event has drawn extensive media coverage, including Boston Globe, WBZ 4, WCVB 5, WHDH 7, NBC10 Boston, WFXT 25, NECN, GBH News, WBZ 1030 News Radio, Milford Daily News, and Patch Brookline etc. 

The purpose of the event is to show solidarity in wake of deadly Atlanta and Colorado shootings, to mourn the loss of lives to the senseless killings, to condemn acts of violence and discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and to display unity, resilience, and strength of the Asian American community.

莱镇人文第七期:Paul O’Shaughnessy 18th Century Officer

Discover Lexington issue # 7 features Paul O’Shaughnessy, who brings history to life through his words, attire, and actions. He is a historical reenactor.

【莱镇人文第七期】 Paul O’Shaughnessy 是一位深知历史的重要并以特殊方式帮助人们学习历史的人物。从1972年起,保罗都穿着殖民时期服装,扮演一位第十步兵团的英国军官,在绿野战地(Battle Green)重现1775年的战争场面,栩栩如生地再现这一段辉煌的美国历史,使其成为“活着的历史”。Paul是莱镇爱国者日庆典中最受欢迎的历史再现者之一。阅读原文